Thank God it’s Friday….for me that is….at work! I love being home with Alana!
Let’s see we will probably swim, make cookies, play with play-dough, play store, church, kitchen, babies and clean.
In between giggles and squeals we will squeeze in a nap! J My little precious is growing way to fast.
Yesterday, I was doing bookwork and she was in the other room playing. I hear her calling me, so I stop what I am doing
And go find her to see what she needs, well needless to say, it turned into a hide-n-go-seek game and a tickle fest. By the time
we were finished she was telling mommy to take a nap and she would do the book work.
She has the most amazing facial expressions and a huge imagination! What a wonderful gift from God she is!
She almost has her ABC’s down and is starting to memorize Acts 2:38!
I love every moment I am able to spend with my little pumpkin!
Children are such a joy and a blessing! So glad you are enjoying a day with your little lovely :o)